COBA-NA is organized as a 501 C (3) organization. Its members are ex-pupils of Christ the King College, Bo Sierra Leone that are residing in North America. COBA-NA shall not be operated for profit and no part of its net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any of its officers or members or of any private individual. COBA-NA shall work solely to benefit Christ the King College, Bo, Sierra Leone in the following ways:
- Fostering strong fellowship among alumni of Christ the King College, Bo through communication and activities that promote mutual respect and teamwork
- Enhancing increased alumni involvement in activities that will continue to make Christ the King College, Bo, a prominent educational institution in Sierra Leone
- Supporting academic growth and facilities development at Christ the King College, Bo Sierra Leone
- Collaborating with other alumni organizations and partners in successful fundraising efforts that will benefit and therefore strengthen and enrich Christ the King College, Bo; and,
- Promoting positive public awareness of the school’s excellence and core values
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